viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

What's the best way to learn English?

I think a good way to learn english is:

You can listen to music in english all the time, your music could be romantic or fun, but it has to be in english. Listen your favourite music, with your favourite singers and bands. Try to looking for the lyrics then read it and sing!!!!!! Pay attention in the pronunciation.
You'll get a perfect english pronuntiation and a good vocabulary...

Enjoy it!

4 comentarios:

  1. If a have grammatical mistakes, please tell me! I'm learning yet....

  2. If "I have", no "a have"... but, you know that!

  3. In the pharagraph:

    - but have... it has
    - favourites... favourite (adjetive with out s)
    - try to look... trying to look
    - put attention... pay attention

    Tkm :)

  4. Thanks a lot for your gramma advices!
    PD: "a have" obviously was a silly mistake
