viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Wild Animals

Now we're going to speak about wild animals. But first do you know what means "wild animals"? (Ahora aprenderemos sobre los animales en estado salvaje, pero primero ¿Sabes qué es un animal salvaje?)

Well basically, wild animals can live independently of humans and are not descended from domesticated animals. They behave in a similar way to other members of their species and do not need people to provide them with food, accommodation or breeding partners.Wild animals may live in towns and eat the same food as humans. They may even live on or in the human body, but as long as they have never been tamed, they are still wild animals. 
I'll give you the meaning of these:
(significado de los nombres)
Spider: araña / Bear: oso / Frog: rana / Deer:  ciervo / Owl: buho / Butterfly: mariposa / kangaroo: canguro / Bear: ave / Wolf: lobo / Elephant: elefante / Cub: cria de felino (león, trigre o zorro) / Spiderling: cria de araña / Tadpode: renacuajo / Caterpillar: oruga / Fawn: cervatillo / Calf: becerro / Pub: cria de mamifero.

 Click on the next link to learn more:

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